None of the previous results matter, in that moment the heads or tails is still just 50/50, it doesn't matter what previous results were, the graph doesn't matter, the odds of every single flip regardless was 50/50, this is where the human mind wands to throw that out the window.
I disagree with that if you bet 20times on the same side and you lose, the odds are not the same for the next flip (if the flips are really random).
It doesn't mean you'll have 100% chances to win but you'll have more than 50% chances to win...
The odds don't change at all based on streaks, because people often think parts need to be representative of the whole leading to the erroneous belief that streaks must even out.
You can disagree all you want, but it's a statistical fact. You are more inclined to think that the odds are different because your brain tries to play tricks on you.
No the gaussian law says that the expected probability tends to be respected if the game is really random.
Look at the chart above.
That is again, false. I think you are not realizing the independence of events, here is a good explanation:
"While a run of five heads has a probability of 1/32 = 0.03125 (a little over 3%), the misunderstanding lies in not realizing that this is the case only before the first coin is tossed. After the first four tosses, the results are no longer unknown, so their probabilities are at that point equal to 1 (100%). The reasoning that it is more likely that a fifth toss is more likely to be tails because the previous four tosses were heads, with a run of luck in the past influencing the odds in the future, forms the basis of the fallacy."
I'm sorry but your unsourced statement doesn't prove anything.
According to the
statistics you have more chances to get 5heads and 5tails than getting 0heads and 10tails when you flip 10times a coin. Do you agree with that? Yes or no?
According to the same statistics you have more chances to get 1heads and 9tails than getting 0heads and 10tails.
Do you agree with that? Yes or no?
So if you got already 9tails, you have more chances to get a heads than getting a tails because there are statistically more chances to get 1heads and 9tails in a series of 10 flips than getting 0heads and 10tails.
This is as simple as that.