2. Oil is considered the most crucial resource in modern warfare.
3. War affects the stock market by causing a decline in stock prices.
What do you guys think? Is this true or false?
1- A very tricky question. Let me explain.
For example, for the United States or Germany, no matter how cynical it sounds, the military-industrial complex now forms GDP. This is the money that arms manufacturers receive for government contracts. As a result, this is business development, the salaries of tens of thousands of employees of military-industrial complex companies, and hundreds of thousands of third-party suppliers.
But for the Russian Federation, it is ruin. The fact is that they are essentially burning money. Yeah, yeah. Although they write down the "turnover" of the military-industrial complex in their GDP, but in fact, in weeks or months it all turns into burned-out junk that has not brought any income to the economy. Turnover has been created, income has not. By the way, for 2024, the decrepit economy of the international terrorist country has OFFICIALLY increased the OPEN part of the budget for the military-industrial complex and now every third ruble from the budget will be burned to satisfy the painful complexes of the Kremlin's pathetic semblance of the Fuhrer....
2. Oil has indeed, this time, become one of the factors of economic terror, just like gas. BUT... It turned out that it was not critical. First of all, the degenerating economy of the terrorist country needs at least some money, and it sells oil for pennies, which is then processed by third parties (and they earn the bulk of the oil), but there was no crisis. Given the trend of global migration to renewable energy sources, the role of oil will be steadily decreasing.
I would now recommend to pay more attention to the resource - fresh water. It will become more and more in demand every year.
And I can predict that very soon, the largest reservoir, Lake Baikal, will come under Chinese control, along with the historical territories of China.