7. Is Voting mandatory?
Yes. You have to participate in at least one vote to verify yourself.
All Applicants on the Spreadsheet that fail to vote by Friday, 11 August 00:00 UTC, are imposed a charge of -70% Activity.
As the name of The Movement implies, this DAO is designed to operate quickly and efficiently.
Crowd-sourced from the ground up, Participants decide the future of the Movement.
Sorry to post so much put I'm a little worried and kind of confused about this... I sent my first vote in days ago, well before the deadline. Then just like an hour ago I PM'ed the second vote about the early member bonus.
Does the rule described here mean, one must send all votes before 11, Aug. 00:00 UTC, or just "at least one" vote? Cause I assumed it was the latter, but if not -- I'm pretty sure my 2nd vote was past that deadline by many hours. Am I going to get dinged -70% activity?
I agree with the AdobeWriter, I think it would be very helpful to extend the deadline until the 12th. And/Or decrease the penalty! It's hard to keep up with everything if you are deeply involved in the crypto world and also have irl jobs... Not really trying to excuse myself or anyone, but it might be better to be a bit less draconian and open. In school, at least, the common policy was to mark down a late assignment one letter grade, or 10%. Unless a late vote really, really screws up the system I just can't figure why the activity penalty is so high.
Ok, just my thoughts. Seriously though, I'm done posting for now! XD