It doesnt have to be a scam to be bad.
Im not aiming to defend anyone but which is a worse scenario: a site compromised by bad security, phishing even or a site with bad customer service but none the less has retained all its funds intact.
I could meet the nicest website admin ever and he is a real great guy but if he loses my funds somehow then he sucks and nothing redeems that situation. Vice versa, I dont care so much because its not really about feel good stuff.
Shutting down the site like that was a really silly thing (a large part of worth can be goodwill, reputation and wheres that now?) to do imo and its obviously bad but theres always worse and big websites have accidentally or negligently done their customers far worse service then this one did purposefully.
That is not a defence its just a comparison imo
Yes. Compare for example to, also in Australia. Probably people here wouldn't call it a "scam", but, as you wrote, the coins were stolen. I prefer to use mcxNow which is much more secure, than to risk my coins in another site where I can't even chat with the creator.
Real Solid made the best, most secure and
fastest exchange I saw on the internet. Bugs and problems will happen. Bugs are being fixed. In 3 or 4 weeks we will have the site fully operational again.
And people complaining here are missing the opportunity to buy cheap mcxFEE. When mcxFEE reach much higher value, it will be late for crying