You are now responsible for maintaining and monitoring criminal or tortious activity on the forum. This post is sufficient for a court to reject any claims of protections based on USC § 230
1. Maged and you are in a position to be named codefendants with pirate as accessories and possible other charges due to your stated status as intermediaries. Given that it can be shown that you acted on this information by participating in the "betting" and the inducements to start pass-throughs, you may want to lawyer up.
Not a smart move. Keep in mind that deleting your posts or backups at this point will compound your potential trouble.
1.'s actually very difficult to waive protection of Sec. 230 of the CDA unless the management actually contributes the content. For example, even if you intentionally disseminate an email you know to be false and probably libelous, you're OK as long as someone else wrote it (i.e. it was another "information content provider").
Deleting spam and scams would almost certainly not invoke the paradoxical wrath of the good Samaritan duty. What would expose thymos to liability is not investigating some scams while failing to shut down others (
see Gentry v. eBay, Inc., 99 Cal. App. 4th 816, 830 (2002)), but contributing to tortious speech by, for example, writing prose or headings for the scam.
Cf. Hy Cite Corp. v., 418 F. Supp. 2d 1142 (D. Ariz. 2005) Maybe he did that somewhere else, but checking his SQL queries sure doesn't cut it, Mr. internet lawyer.