We don't need 2 mil a second, we need 1 or 2 large transfers a day coming out of gox to a domestic japanese account. That would equalize the price at gox and the other exchanges so people could start moving their money elsewhere to trade.
I thiknk its best for the community that we pool together our thinking abilities and find an easy way to start arbing the difference between bitstamp/btc-e/campbx and gox so that the prices equalize. This will free up millions of dollars of fiat and thus incrase volume on the other exchanges.
Good for the goose and the gander.
*facepalm*no i mean that bitcoin its self faces serious scalability issues if its every to be adopted even moderately. the system its self can only support a limited amout of transactions per second
That's a discussion for a different place.
This is a thread to discuss how we as a group of fellow bitcoiners can solve the problems of a large group of fellow bitcoiners having alot of money stuck at gox...
Your point is still valid though, I don't mean to dismiss it, but just don't want to discuss it here.