No other name will be as good.
That is a lame reason. Monero, and Litecoin are just as good names. But the name never matters, what matters is the usability and demand.
Western Union is a pretty bad name, but still many people use it.
Well yes its pretty subjective, however as a rule of thumb, simple and descriptive names catch on better:
Bitcoin, Facebook, Euro , Citi Bank, these are all good brand names, because they are descriptive and pretty simple to use.
No wonder they have all been succesful so far.
Yes I didnt said that all brands will be automatically succesful just for the name alone, but a good name adds some advantages.
It's easier for consumers to memorize a simple, spot on, descriptive brand name, than something that is abstract, long, hard to pronounce, or it doesn't rhyme.
All advertisements usually teaches you the brand name by making the ad more rhyming.
I can see BTC ads on the TV showing ads where a music is playing and some catchy rhyming slogan is told to the watchers.
But if you have a shitty ad that is boring, then it will be less succesful.
You can also see that most corporations that a holdings, usually only advertise one of their subsidiaries that have a good brand, while not focusing on the parent company because their name is too hard to pronounce. Or they just focus on one of their trademarks.