So I just knew at this point McGregor is getting paid even though he was defeated in his last fight.
He has always been the face for the EA sports video game on the last editions(except for the very 1st one) if I am not mistaken so he is getting paid either way if he wins or loses.
Was watching a youtube clip of him watching a recent UFC match and commented on the knock out of the match saying,
"I can do that no problem! Hell yahhh!"
Made me laugh at him even more but hey, he is getting paid by promotions and signing deals with Dana so he doesn't really care at this point.
Just like those who lose, the bottom line is getting paid.
And no doubt if the UFC wants to bring in Khabib they can flash a ton of money in front of him and give him a offer he can not refuse.
Even if he said he will never fight again due to his father dying and all, but we all know, a year down the road if he is poor asf and living in a run down apartment after spending all of his past earnings on those fights, he will take the deal and do it.
Many actors in hollywood have been in this situation numerous times and they all take on the agreement to do that "One more time!" type contract so to be able to pay their bills and live comfortably.
As we all would if put in that similar situation. Even if pride dictates what you have to say now, it all comes down being on the brink of starvation and being homeless to doing that one more appearance which still keeps them being in the game.