This forum is totally unfriendly for local users. Beside the issue with moderation you can check the merit circulation in local sections. Theymos either don't care about those local plebs or the merit system was designed to prevent them from ranking up.
Anyway meybe those boards are not getting spammed and they don't really need to be moderated.
On that point, you do sort of have to be able to understand English and write it to become a merit source (to write your application post for example).
There were special requests to make some people that post in local boards merit sources, however, if people just stick to local boards -they're not going to become a merit source and they're not going to allow other users to advance further. Local boards should be a place to start here (in my opinion) as we are an English forum primarily and you can't expect an admin to know every language and post in it.
Potentially to solve that issue, you could have mods that make threads for merit applications in local boards and have local members of that community to post on it for the mod and then theymos' scrutiny.
Hello Guys,
Thanks For stepping here.
I guess now Theymos is not aware of what going on the local Forums ??
There are No Mods in the Following Section Hrvatski (Croatian) , India , 한국어 (Korean) , Skandinavisk
Is he aware what wrong is going on the local sections ? I guess No. If he do knows then he would have chosen the Mods right now.
Theymos has often made appeals for specific mods on local boards and other boards that are mod-less.
If no one steps forward, what should he do?
An answer to this would be appreciated:
Can any OG member or staff or moderator answer the following question? If posts are reported in sections that don't have mods, how are those posts handled? Do they go to a global queue of some sort for other mods to handle these submissions? If so, then would it be beneficial for users to report posts in these mod-less boards, or would their reports be pointless?