yeah.... see; thats what irks me about the os packages; most of them only keep a narrow slice of what's available algo-wise. Understandable considering how many ports/forks of different miner apps getting different results.
FWIW, I am running it pretty simply:
ccminer.exe -a skein -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1PHSDYvVp6HpqtuUPocK41DrdeHbbezaeP -p i7-920-GPU,c=BTC,skein,stats
You can run at a much higher intensity and get some more hashrate (default intensity is 20 I believe):
ccminer.exe -i 26 -a skein -o stratum+tcp:// -u 1PHSDYvVp6HpqtuUPocK41DrdeHbbezaeP -p i7-920-GPU,c=BTC,skein,stats
In the password field, you can see how I added a miner name to it. it does nothing poolside. Selected my payout coin, algo(s) I am mining (only skein), and enabling stats to be saved by the pool about the card(s) in the system.
*edit* to add clarity: the password field is to select payout type, algo(s) being mined, and any other poolside options that may be available such as device stats.
for multi algo batches, you would add each algo to the password field that the pool can select for you to mine. If you mine more than one, set retries to 0 on command line (via '-r 0' flag), and when the server wants you on a different algo (thats selected via pw field) then it sends a stratum disconnect and the batch tries each algo in the loop till stratum lets the connection go through. This part really confuses people about the multi-algo pools. Hopefully I extrapolated enough.
ccminer 1.7 tpruvot
If you choose a payout in anything but BTC; you have to wait for enough pool earnings to make payouts to people requesting that coin in return.
If I can help you at all, LMK. My batch makes mining different algos simple on zpool, as well as you can view miner stats via the webpage wallet page (same as link I provided above).