-epool stratum+tcp://eth-eu.dwarfpool.com:8008 -ewal $walletETH/$rigName -esm 0 -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp://pasc-eu1.nanopool.org:15555 -dwal *pascwallet* -dpsw x -dcoin pasc -allpools 1 -mport 3333
My pasc wallet is an address from polinex so do I need to do a home wallet?
Load on on a pc
Basically I want to mine to a pool address not a pc wallet.
Mining to exchange with payment-ID and worker:
No PC wallet
Yeah, your 2nd format is what I just figured out from digging into my Suprnova account. They give that exact 2nd example from Poloniex, which I guess is identified by the 86646-64 piece, then the piece after the . if your own Poloniex wallets address. I added this piece to my Suprnova setup for Pascal, then went into my .bat file and simply changed the dcr.suprnova pool address to the new pascal.suprnova address then launched Claymore 8.0. However, this didn't work for some reason. The miner was still trying to mine DCR for some reason, which of course it coudln't do. It seems there must be an additional command or something that needs to be added to the code to kick off pascal mining but i couldn't figure it out yet. I posted this question over on that thread but if anyone here knows, I'd be happy to hear suggestions.
Edit: someone just posted this on the other thread:
-dcoin pasc
EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool europe1.ethereum.miningpoolhub.com:20535 -ewal Delle54.R9280X_0 -esm 2 -epsw x -allpools 1 -ethi 8 -dpool pasc.suprnova.cc:5279 -dwal Delle54.R9_280X -dpsw x
-dcoin pasc -dcri 20 -allpools 1
the key here being the -dcoin pasc in bold near the end. I guess this is mentioned in the readme but i must have missed it. Will give this a try tomorrow morning as I dont wanna start something new this late for fear of an overnight crash.