We need more free pools.
Why is Eligius, with its difficult to comprehend CPPSRB payout system the only free alternative to free GHASH??
Simply make a free pool that is simpler to understand than Eligius and BAM... problem solved.
GHASH interface is cleaner than Eligius, and its payout scheme is easier to understand than Eligius'.
Shit Eligius pays out 105% NMC because many people can't even sign a transaction to get their share from the pool.
LukeJr and WK are smart and they're not lowering their standards to accommodate anyone.
What really sucks is that people like the OP here are sitting around complaining rather than pro-actively setting up a free pool to compete against GHASH.
Simply set up a free pool.
Its not simple, somebody deciding to attack will simply set up a few pools and offer rewards.
This is an inherent flaw in any PoW coin.