How to choose the right tips for choosing a good project?
In order to maximally secure your investment, you need to pay attention to such points as:
Idea (product). It is necessary to evaluate the realization of the idea of the organizers of the project. If you feel that the idea may not be possible, or if the expectation is very high, then it's better to take no chances in vain. Also good if there is an open source Github.
Developers of the project (team). A reliable team that has a positive experience in implementing previous projects from this sphere will be a good sign for investing. A classy team will not only be able to dispose of the funds collected, but also bring the idea to the realization of it in a product and a profitable business. The team should be fully open to investors, links to social. network, personal information. Also the speed of responsiveness of those is important. support and level of professionalism.
The value of tokens. If this is just the creation of another crypto currency, the more fork is based on the existing one, then it is not necessary to invest. You need to understand what the tokens will be after ICO. It will be a plus if the owners of the tokens will receive part of the profits, discounts on the products of the project, or even can be used inside the project for payment, as an internal currency. Another plus will be if only a limited number of tokens are released.
Reputation of the project. It is necessary to assess what other investors are saying, as well as the media about this project.
The presence of White Paper. This document shows exactly what the idea of the project is, as well as all technical points are described and it is logical to understand the implementation of the project and a business plan,
roadmap is compiled. It's bad if everything is not clear enough, or too many terms are used.
Market. It is necessary to understand not only what idea and the purpose of the project, and also how much is the need and the need for society in this. Is it possible to realize the goal of the project now in the current market situation, as well as the presence of competitors and other external circumstances.
The presence of certification and regulation by regulatory bodies. If the project is really transparent and the team has good plans for success, and their product can bring millions of profits, then such an ICO can undergo additional checks from the regulatory bodies and get certification (for example, the international financial commission). If this is the case, then this project has a very high chance of success.