In addition to op's thread on tips to avoid pyramid quoting. These three tips made by the op should be followed to avoid pyramid quoting and there is also a good way to quote which you want to quote by only quoting the small part/some part of the content of the reply you wanted to quote then answer. There's also a good tip/way to avoid pyramid quoting is by not quoting the whole thread reply and only quote the important part of the thread reply you want to quote. Refer below:
Ex. Whole/Complete post/thread reply to quote:
From this quote:You actually can take your second chance with temporary ban and signature ban for one or two years. You can get it or not, depends on your past activities (things presented below are not mine, I describe perspectives of global mods that I read during the banwave in many appeals). There are some factors:
- Total posts that you plagiarised.
- Percentage of plagiarised posts / your total posts (more than half - 50% - will wipe out your second chance, surely)
- Time points of your plagiarism (before or after the rule on plagiarism applied in the forum)
- Your past contributions.
4 years ago - 4 years of genuine, positive contributions I've made to this community - and I'm banned off of this?
Everyone whom got permanent ban will feel happy with a reduced sentence for sure. However, whenever you are back from vacation, you can make the appeal better (that somehow increase your chance) by collecting and presenting posts or threads that you thought are most constructives from your past (before your ban day).
I'd be happy with a temporary ban - those who are close to me know that I'm on vacation right now anyways - but a permanent ban disregarding what I've done this community for two damn lines 4 years ago is infuriating.
I scanned your post history, that looks good (at least not a pure shit poster), so I think you might have chance, but it is not my position to say anything about this.
There is even a user (maybe more, but I know only one) that even come back without signature ban.
To this quote: I only quote a sentence which I would like to talk about but if you compare this to the op's way I think that op's is better than what I share on how I quote.
You actually can take your second chance with temporary ban and signature ban for one or two years.
(Your Post or Reply Here)