Your wish is my command.
1. 2013-11-30: 1.13229 USD/mBTC
2. 2013-12-04: 1.11156 USD/mBTC
3. 2013-11-29: 1.06536 USD/mBTC
4. 2013-12-03: 1.05057 USD/mBTC
5. 2013-12-02: 1.00049 USD/mBTC
6. 2013-11-28: 0.99856 USD/mBTC
7. 2013-12-05: 0.97506 USD/mBTC
8. 2013-12-01: 0.94567 USD/mBTC
9. 2013-12-10: 0.94156 USD/mBTC
10. 2013-11-27: 0.93709 USD/mBTC
11. 2013-12-06: 0.89436 USD/mBTC
12. 2013-12-11: 0.89042 USD/mBTC
13. 2013-12-13: 0.88299 USD/mBTC
14. 2013-12-09: 0.86749 USD/mBTC
15. 2013-12-12: 0.86285 USD/mBTC
16. 2013-12-14: 0.86041 USD/mBTC
17. 2013-11-26: 0.84932 USD/mBTC
18. 2013-12-15: 0.83837 USD/mBTC
19. 2013-11-23: 0.83285 USD/mBTC
20. 2013-11-25: 0.80780 USD/mBTC
Note that the last day is not on this list.
Just wanted to ask (sorry if this has already been answered): Are you using Bitstamp data? Or a combination of exchanges?
Good question. I assume it's Gox for comparative purposes since it monopolized the market before last summer and this thread is much older than that.