Yes, it is their job. We are not questioning this. We are questioning if it was right for the government to imprison people who had no connection to the crimes that are happening through the software that they only created.
I assume the developer got arrested but that doesnt mean he was already imprisoned. I believe he is just investigated as per protocols and probably out by now. We know how things work, since they dont have a conclusive proof of allegations made.
But the cryptospace is giving some of this power back to the people. The government does not want this.
Did I say I didnt believe that? I am here on forum and of course also a fan of decentralized approach but we live mixed up with the Government isnt it? there are protocols that we should also followed as part of being its citizen. Im just in the middle.
In any case, if you want the government to control the whole cryptospace so that criminals cannot use it then we should demand for more centralization of our favorite projects and demand for more invasive regulations.
The hell I can be control by them. Not even work for the government eversince why I let them control me? Surely they acted like that due to the incidents happening on crypto. If theres no hack then surely they will shut their freakin mouth. The problem here is the composition of Government which mixed up with the sharks who wanted power.
The government has no right to arrest anyone who did not do any crime. This is a violation of basic human rights.
Yes, we are in the middle and sometimes we cannot do anything, however, what we should have is critical thinking. This is another thing that the
owners of the world do not want, people who are thinking and talking about how they are being scammed and fooled by the government and by the corporations.
Also, we are always being controlled and being manipulated by them. They tell us what to buy, what to think, how to act, what our politics should be, everything in our lives is based on everything that they have built, own and control.