So the prediction of 3 world wars is a hoax, but there was actually a letter in 1871 and it does portend much the same, just without the specific predictions for 3 world wars:
The political action leader for Universal Freemasonry invited the supreme dogmatic leader of the sect to draw up a clear plan with a view toward the destruction of Roman Catholicism.
“The destruction of feeble Catholicism, cannot be accomplished all at once, and erecting good Catholicism also requires a lot of labour, working in tandem, which should be pursued simultaneously
“God-King Lucifer will have the whole world consecrated and worshipping him; his religion will therefore truly be Catholic.
“The title of Catholic does not, in fact, belong to Roman superstition. Through revelation, it is certain that its number will never reach, at its apogee, a quarter of the world’s population
“It is necessary that we consider the religious situation of humanity, if we want to safely proceed with the work of twice-over destroying the temple of Adonai and building the temple of Lucifer. This preliminary look will give us courage and hope in the realization of our divine plight; for we show that the future is ours, and the title Catholics is reserved for ourselves. [p. 596]
“The Jewish religion has seven million adherents; this small group has no tendency toward conversion to Roman Catholicism; revelation has promised it to us.
“Finally, statisticians estimate that twenty-eight million deistic freethinkers are scattered throughout the globe, while atheists have two million.
“But it is not appropriate to consider the whole Christian group as being alienated from true light [of Lucifer] to the same degree. Protestantism, its various factions, except a tiny minority, are composed of followers of reason, who understand and continuously seek truth, and, therefore, find it; is from them that we find the most numerous followers of the God-Good [Lucifer]. On the other hand, the Orthodox schismatics fell prey to the promised Evil-God
“The conversion of Protestants to the Temple of True Light will be gradual, sayeth the revelation; the fate of the Mohammedans will be entirely determined by a large and unexpected event occurring under the sixth sovereign pontificate of good [Luciferian] Catholicism.
“According to the revelation, Roman Catholicism will always be in decline; [p. 597] either desertions or conquest of souls will increase the number of free-thinking deists, and we know that they are in a state of transition while we are finally promised.
“On the other hand, we needn’t worry about transitioning the state of the Indian group, for its priests already possess true light [of Lucifer].
“Therefore, at the appointed hour in the Book of the Heavens, that is to say, when Roman Catholicism reaches its maximum number of followers through by uniting with Orthodoxy or schismatics, more than one billion Luciferian Catholics will be found in opposition.
“To speak here of the Christian group, tactics will vary as we maneuver in countries dominated by the Roman Catholic element or in countries dominated by the Protestant element.
“The main work is one that aims to transform the Roman Catholics into freethinking Deists. We need to apply all our strength, and with that, persuade many. Experience has shown that too-few are the privileged souls who leap from the abyss of obscurantism to take their bold flight into the ether of divine and invigorating light.
“For this he must conquer the seats of government of his people; this is everything. Whether in the republics or the monarchist states, we must enact laws, destroying everywhere the influence of the priests
It will, first, be through the press that we inspire writers, demonstrating how the almsgiving of the Evil-Catholics is degrading to human dignity, and this by showing that the individual has the right to well-being through social reforms and not by routine charity
“In the intellectual sphere, especially, the neutrality of the public schools must be secured so that it is no longer pervaded by priests, nor any of their agents; then, early in the stages of neutralization, we divert any thoughts the parents may have to give their children a Roman Catholic education outside of the neutralized schools.
But at the same time we must take serious steps to ensure that formal education is neutral and does not fall into atheism; neutrality is sufficient
In fact, their exists in the human soul an innate sense that pushes the individual toward a divine ideal, which makes him instinctively understand the existence of a Supreme Being, the supernatural factor, the organizer and driving force of the universe. We’ll let this sentiment develop freely, that is to say, without criminally directing them against superstition, the religion of the Evil-God, but imported from abroad in the half-light of a vague deism, but uncontaminated by the pestiferous breath of Roman Catholicism; and when the hour of the Good-God manifests, truly worthy of humanity’s worship, the children turned men will address their aspirations to Him
It is therefore absolutely necessary that the atheist teacher clearly be removed from school, lest he try to introduce [his own dogma]
“On the other hand, through legislative means or otherwise, recruitment of the Roman Catholic priesthood must be restrained. It would be beneficial to give young priests actual knowledge of social life, falsely portrayed by their teachers. It will be necessary to have confident woman who devote themselves to the benefits and initiations of the Good-God. The results obtained in this way will be fruitful; for one of two things will happen: either the adonaite priest, once he has tasted the sweet joys papal barbarism forbade, will resign from the clergy, thus demonstrating to the public that nature condemns, absolutely, systematic celibacy; or he will remain in the priestly caste, secretly with us, not as an ally but entirely ours, rendering the most valuable service toward undermining the Temple of Adonai.
“In Western nations, once the new religious regime will be legalized, it will drastically suppress these dangerous propagandists who call themselves missionaries and preach to our brothers in Asia, and among the heathen in Africa and Oceania whom we must convert, carrying falsehoods and poisonous sermons. Governments shall prohibit, under severe penalties, these detestable emigrations, which are liable to provoke incessant conflicts with Asian nations, whose faith has become so perfectly illuminated by the efforts of the wise Tibetan priests, united with our auxiliary masonry in India and China, and deserving of respect. And without waiting for the appointed time of these events, every Mason has a duty to fight, through the pen and the word, the so-called Catholic missionaries, and trumpet throughout the secular world contempt and inextinguishable hatred. These missionaries are our mortal enemies. Any Freemason, who refuses to fight, will be deemed a traitor; whosoever joins them or supports such action with public praise, will be beaten to death.
“Finally, it is useful to maintain in the lower classes of any nation, the ferment of revolutionary ideas, even those socialists prone to extreme violence. Atheism is bad in itself and to hijack its true purpose and work toward humane antichristian restoration, [p. 605] we need to channel it and mix it with the most exaggerated social doctrines, which are destined for failure, occasioned by a momentary disruption, immediately followed by an energetic reaction.
“In the last stage, however, first we discredit the superstitious theory of divinity in such a way that those steeped in adonaisme detach gradually and eventually no longer believe at all, the last priests of adonaisme eroded and fragmented will be entirely won in the era of the new religious regime, which will be a state of transition, like free-thinking deism; secondly, we’ll take care to not suddenly wrest from the multitudes the belief in the supernatural God, but, at every opportunity, we’ll remain content to proclaim the existence of a Supreme Being, without announcing publicly yet our traditions and our mystic revelations. So sayeth the God-Good.
“Therefore, when the autocratic Empire of Russia will become the citadel of papist adonaism, we shall unleash the revolutionary nihilists and atheists, and provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which will demonstrate clearly to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute unbelief, mother of savagery and of the bloodiest disorder. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the mad minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate these destroyers of civilization; and the countless disillusioned adonaites, whose deist soul have up until that time remained without a compass, thirsting for an ideal, but not knowing which God is worthy of tribute, will receive the True Light, by the universal manifestation of the pure Luciferian doctrine, at last made public, an event that will arise from a reactionary movement following the destruction of atheism and adonaism, together at the same time vanquished and exterminated.
“The birth of the religion of the Good-God Lucifer, established and unrivalled on the earth, cannot be an instantaneous operation, neither in one year nor a century. A lasting achievement is that which is created by slow progression. The nineteenth century saw the conception of true and good Catholicism; the twentieth century will be the century of gestation, and climaxing with parturition at a fixed end in the Book of the Heavens (September 29th, 1996 AD when completed).
Here is what a book in 1920 wrote about the bolded portion above referring to the
events in Russia leading up to and resulting from World War 1:
Now this letter is at least as old as 1896 (if it is a forgery); if it is genuine, it is as old as 1871. It must therefore be considered remarkable, whether as a forgery or as a genuine document. For it predicts what has happened in Russia, and it claims for its authors that they were preparing to bring about what has happened.
Anthony Sutton did the research on which group financed and help create the Russian Revolution.