How do we know that Trump isnt a TPTB agent?
We are talking about a entity that is controling the world for several hundred(/thousand) years no?
Did a very significant portion of his campaign money come from banksters such as Goldman Sachs as is the case for Hellary and OBummer, or did it come from < $200 donors. That is a rhetorical statement.
Trump is neck and neck with Hillary, although she is outspending him 10:1. Trump has more individuals donating to him while Hillary has all the bankers, hedge funds, and political manipulators who routinely buy government. She also has the press who support Hillary worldwide.
Donald Trump has taken nearly $ 100 million in just three months by small donations – more than any Republican before ever in history. That is actually more than two million donors supporting Trump than support his rival Hillary. Hillary takes the money from the elite like Goldman Sachs and Soros, as well as countless banks and hedge funds. They OWN Hillary and she outspends Trump. If we look at this measurement, the PEOPLE are lining up behind Trump more than Hillary.
That is the bottom-line. Just look at the donations and you see Trump has more LITTLE PEOPLE than Hillary. People vote, not hedge funds and banks.
the video on the following quoted page and see Trump is the one letting the Haitian President speak:
President of Haiti Exposes Clintons’ Corruption Pocketing 98% of the Money Donated for Relief
Haitian President has come publicly to expose the corruption of the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation. Of the billions of dollars donated to help the Haitian people, he has stated publicly that only about 2% was given to the people. He further exposes the drugs sent into the USA from Haiti and the money was then sent back to pay lobbyists of the Clinton. Here comes a new scandal. They just never end.
Mess with the banksters and their desire to make money from war and you are assassinated (Lincoln and Kennedy):
Therefore, the Rothschilds did not demand high interest because they wanted the North to fail. This was simply a business deal. The entire claim of wanting to see the North lose was just fiction. It was a straight up war loan with the standard demand for a premium that Lincoln declined to pay and abandoned the gold standard instead.
Update: Officially Accuses Russia of Hacking the ElectionEverything I have been getting from BEHIND THE CURTAIN seems to be spot on. The overall plan is to deny Trump a victory if there is a record surge of voters and Wikileaks promises new releases every week until the election. Plan B is to call the election a FRAUD and deny Trump to take office. Now 99% of newspapers endorsed Hillary so the media will portray whatever Obama directs them to these days.
It is clear that the Obama administration on Friday officially accused Russia of hacking to interfere with the 2016 elections. Obama has also blamed Russia for hacking the computers of the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations without any proof it was Russia. The
Washington Post reported: “
The denunciation, made by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, came as pressure was growing from within the administration and some lawmakers to publicly name Moscow and hold it accountable for actions apparently aimed at sowing discord around the election.”
They are not about to allow Trump to win this election and they will go to real extremes to prevent any outsider from looking at what they have done. They also fear that a Trump Administration would indict Hillary and that would lead to a widespread collapse of the Democratic Party with links directly to Obama.
Obama Used a Fictitious Name to Communicate with Hillary on Her Private Server
New York Post, who may become the American version of the British Guardian, has now exposed that Obama used a fake name to communicate with Hillary on her private server because he KNEW what she was doing. While tens of thousands of Clinton’s emails have been made public so far, the government has not released any emails from Obama.
Obama told
CBS news that he had no idea that Hillary was using a private email server until it was reported by the New York Times on
March 2, 2015. That is clearly an outright lie, and if he were in a private fraud case, he would be criminally charged with her for conspiracy. Hillary’s continuous crime included other parties who may join the plot later and incur joint liability. His use of fictitious names is PROOF that he knew what she was doing was a crime, for he tried to hide his identity as a co-conspirator. This raises the question of whether he will benefit from the Clinton Foundation in the future.
Now it is all starting to make sense. Obviously, the government is refusing to release the emails that Obama sent to Hillary’s private server. Is Obama hiding the fact that he received money from the Clinton Foundation and disguising transactions as speaking fees? Those emails should be released BEFORE the November election.
Hillary Threatens War with China & Russia
Now in a speech in Cincinnati, Hillary said that she would “politically, economically and militarily” proceed as US President against anyone who committed the hacker attacks against US facilities. Hillary has called explicitly Russia and China as nations that constantly perform hacker attacks. She told the audience: “You have seen the reports that Russia and China have hacked a lot of things. Russia has even hacked the National Committee of Democrats, maybe even some electoral systems of States. We need to increase and ensure that we can defend ourselves well, to fight against those who fight against us price. I’ll do it as president realized that the US will deal with cyber attacks as well as all other attacks. We are willing to seriously halt politically, economically and militarily respond. We will invest to protect our government units and our national infrastructure. “