2 BTC says BitcoinEXpress is really just some big-talking nobody living in his mom's basement.
Troll, GTFO. If you're going to express that childish attitude here, then
you are the nobody living in your mom's basement. The fact that he is providing insightful information that most of you cannot take seriously of really makes me sick of the Bitcoin community.
Chick, I don't think your post is quality material either.
I think you've handled this marvelously so far. You contacted Dwolla prior to a public disclosure, and the fact that you gave them two weeks over $37,000 is more than sufficient in my book. They refused to address the issue competently. Like you said, it could have been a failure to get the attention of the right people, but at this point and in light of recent actions by Dwolla, I think it is safe to assume that they are in the wrong on this. Please continue to keep the community informed in the manner you have started. It's obvious from the majority of the posts in this thread that your actions are supported and that your customer base appreciates full disclosure.
Your failure to fully address this issue is losing you customers. At this point, I personally believe that you're hiding and will not make a statement, and if you are as badly off as some people, myself included, think you are right now, then there is no statement you can make to fix this. However, deleting comments from public spaces, sending out empty email responses that don't address the issue, and changing your terms of service without notifying any of your customers will not leave a good impression with anyone you are currently doing business with or those who may bring you business in the future. I will be cancelling my account with your service, but I wish you the best in improving your business.
All VCs and Dwolla supporters,
Your advice and expertise are appreciated. However, the BitCoin community is not your average customer. We don't want to do business in the same manner as the current model. If we did, we probably wouldn't be excited about BitCoin. We want an open discussion between all parties involved, and we're tired of the lying, cheating, and stealing that is the current system. We don't want another company funded by Wall Street or Silicon Valley that offers outsourced customer service and hidden fees around every corner. That change won't come overnight, and most of us know that. We still don't want you in here preaching silence and backdoor deals. So next time, instead of offering unsolicited advice to either protect a current investment or a future one, just leave.