But as for me, I will prefer no to do that. I will prefer to go for perpetual future trading which is what that I prefer and not actually gambling like the binary-option-like ones like betting on fluctuations of bitcoin price
It is really that truly interesting considering that there are different time frames but actually it is really just that too short for you to apply some analysis even we do say that it is trading but with short term ones then it will really be that almost impossible that you could be able to make some strategies to work out. This is why its not really that recommended that you will really be trying out take it seriously.
If you are really that dealing up with some binary type kind of game in casino platforms then it will really be that up to you but of course it is really that totally different when you do make uip some spot trading.
Playing with bitcoins price movements then i wont really be that tending to enjoy it out but rather going in serious mode with trading on those known platforms rather than on spending into something which is really that fast pace kind of betting on where prices go.