blah blah
many assumptions..
firstly you keep assuming that if i had 1btc and i sold it to someone. i or the other person i sell it to is losing out on $5-$20 in transaction costs. as my last post says no one buying or selling bitcoin loses $5-$20. miners are given fresh bitcoin (adding to circulation) to compensate costs. its not coming out of peoples hoards.
the other assumption is that gold cant be double spent.. i guess you missed out on 'fractional reserve' in history class.
more assumptions are that you are basing the electric cost of transaction vs spending habits. in actual effect if you imagine a retail shop that does $5k of business a day, the manager has to spend all day in the shop, at the end of the day he hands funds to a bank security firm who drives that deposit to bank. and then a bank teller counts it and enters the figure into the shop owners bank account.
so lets do some rough maths.
lets say its a small 7-11 store, average transaction is $10
500 transactions (1 tx every 2 minutes seems reasonable for an average 7-11)
manager / shop cashiers wage (minimum wage $7.50 for 16 hour day shift=$120)
bank costs (bank teller $7.50 + 2van drivers 1 hour round trip $9 an hour=$18 + fuel vehicle=$20=~$50)
so thats $170.. even before we work out the cost of the computer system that protects people bank accounts. even before we include the electric for the bank, even before we work out the vehicle purchase and maintenance, even before we work out the banks lease and all other costs to confirm a bank note payment to account. costs of 'admin and transport of bank notes ranged from $12-$45 per transaction, but more recently banks are not charging customers because they are printing money behind the scenes to cover costs.
the difference between a bank and bitcoin is banks can print as much as they like to cover costs. but bitcoin and gold are more fixed/rare/limited in how much is added to circulation to cover costs. the end user does not see the costs!!!!
again the end user does not see the costs.
but while banks add more funds into circulation at no limit.. (inflation)
bitcoin is fixed so if 25bitcoin represented 282tx's last year (at a tx price of $5.71/tx=$64 a bitcoin)
bitcoin is fixed so if 25bitcoin represents 486tx's this year (at a tx price of $17/tx=$330) (my maths)
bitcoin is fixed so if 25bitcoin represents 486tx's this year (at a tx price of $20/tx=$388) ('s maths)
then that is deflationary,..
again customers do not see the fee's taken out of their pockets. but the 'mint' (new circulation) pays the fee's.