Hanya InformasiUntuk agan2 yg tertarik dengan
tutorial/replies akun
manji jangan berikan merit/pm.
manji telah di hacked.
Mari kita belajar tentang Tags BBCode, bagi saya hal ini cukup menarik jika dipelajari karena akan ber-implikasi pada keteraturan postingan kita dan terlebih lagi, kita jadi tahu lebih dalam tentang BBcode dan bisa meningkatkan kemampuan dalam meng-create content selain content yang bermanfaat, Informatif, Educatif akan tetapi harus
a good UserInterfaceEditContent:1.
Tutorial Basic - Contoh penerapan nya :
Who is Manji 2.
A. Basic Tags basic yang harus dipahami terlebih dahulu agar nanti nya ketika melakukan mixing tags, tidak terlalu sulit untuk diterapkan. saya sarankan untuk menggunakan
tags dengan membiasakan menuliskan "tags" nya agar kita terbiasa dengan fungsi dan logika dari tags jangan hanya sekedar "click" .
Okeh langsung saja.
1. Fungsi untuk menebalkan tulisan, gunakan tag "B" ex:
Who is Manji[b]#value[/b]
2. Fungsi untuk membuat tulisan "Miring"ex:
Who is Manji[i]#value[/i]
3. Fungsi untuk membuat garis bawahEx:
Who is Manji[u]#value[/u]
4. Tag atau "StrikethroughEx:
Who is Manji[s]#value[/s]
5. Fungsi untuk menuliskan simbol "BTC" ex:
Manji wants to have
6. Fungsi untuk membuat Highlight Who is ManjiWho is Manji[glow=red,2,300]#value[/glow]
* variable yang di dalam kurung kurawal ({}) artinya bisa dirubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan.7. Membuat bayangan pada kalimat, tulisan, atau apapun selama fungsi itu bisa "support"Who is Manji[shadow=red,left]#value[/shadow]
* variable yang di dalam kurung kurawal ({}) artinya bisa dirubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan.8. Preformatted TextManji
is a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins.
9. Mem-format tulisan rata kiriManji is a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins.
He has an unorthodox sense of justice about him.
Manji is laid-back and carefree due to his immortal status, and often caught sleeping.
Manji doesn't like being immortal at all. He has a strange sense of true sword play in many ways similar to Itto-Ryu, a fighting-ethic.
Unknowing his master was enforcing his brutal rule on the local populace, later maji found out that his master was corrupt then he killed him. This unfortunately branded Manji an outlaw with a bounty on his head. He was now only known as Killer of 100.
10. Mem-format tulisan ditengahManji is a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins. He has an unorthodox sense of justice about him.
Manji is laid-back and carefree due to his immortal status, and often caught sleeping.
Manji doesn't like being immortal at all. He has a strange sense of true sword play in many ways similar to Itto-Ryu, a fighting-ethic.
Unknowing his master was enforcing his brutal rule on the local populace, later maji found out that his master was corrupt then he killed him. This unfortunately branded Manji an outlaw with a bounty on his head. He was now only known as Killer of 100.
11. Mem-format tulisan rata kananManji is a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins. He has an unorthodox sense of justice about him.
Manji is laid-back and carefree due to his immortal status, and often caught sleeping.
Manji doesn't like being immortal at all. He has a strange sense of true sword play in many ways similar to Itto-Ryu, a fighting-ethic.
Unknowing his master was enforcing his brutal rule on the local populace, later maji found out that his master was corrupt then he killed him. This unfortunately branded Manji an outlaw with a bounty on his head. He was now only known as Killer of 100.
12. Membuat garis lurus horizontal
Who is Manji
13. Customize ukuran HurufWho is
* variable yang di dalam kurung kurawal ({}) artinya bisa dirubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan.14. Font face atau Typefontface (sengaja ngk di tulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, jadi ngk enak dibaca dan didengar nya)Who is manjiWho is manji[font=Verdana]#value[/font]
15. Memasukan file flash pada postinganhttp://File[flash=200,200]#value[/flash]
* variable yang di dalam kurung kurawal ({}) artinya bisa dirubah sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
16. Memasukan gambar
[img width=100 height=100]#value[/img]
17. Insert HyperlinkWho is Manji[]#value[/url]
url={alamat situs/halaman yang ingin dituju}
18. Insert E-mailFor the next step, Send me an email [email]#value[/email]
email={alamat email}
19. Insert FTP[ftp]#alamat FTP[/ftp]
20. Insert Table,Row, Coloumn[table]
[td]No[/td][td][/td][td]Uid[/td][td][/td][td] Password[/td][td][/td][td]Email[/td]
[td]1[/td][td][/td][td]XXX[/td][td][/td][td] ****[/td][td][/td][td]
[email protected][/td]
21. Tag Superscriptmanji
22. Tag Subscriptlihat kebawah
23. teletypewho is manji who is manji who is manji who is manji who is manji[tt]#value[/tt]
24. Insert Tag "code""
" and "
biasa nya digunakan untuk memasukan code pemograman, hal disini BBcode
25. Insert "quote"Who is manji
26. Insert ListEx:
These lists the account seller[list=1]
list= {#variable}
Exercise 1
Setelah mempelajari
Basic dari tags BBcode, mari kita belajar tentang Mixing Tags dan disertai dengan contoh dan hasil pembuatan nya.
Buat template terlebih dahulu.
A. HeaderJika header yang digunakan
Image maka terlebih dahulu upload image tersebut. saya menggunakan[center][img width=1000 height=500][/img][/center][br]
[center][size=15pt][b]Who Is Manji?[/b][/size][/center][hr]
B. Content1Biasa nya content berisi tentang penjelasan dari apa yang ingin di sampaikan. contohnya, saya menjelaskan tentang karakter komik
manji Tags yang digunakan untuk mem-format tulisan menggunakan tags "left align", "size", dan "glow", "italiced", "sup", and "hyperlink"
[size=15pt]Manji[/size] is [u]a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins. He has an unorthodox sense of justice about him[/u]. Manji is laid-back and carefree [i]due to his immortal status, and often caught sleeping[/i]. Manji doesn't like being immortal at all. He has a strange sense of true sword play in many ways similar to Itto-Ryu, a fighting-ethic. Unknowing his master was enforcing his brutal rule on the local populace, later maji found out that his master was corrupt then he killed him. [glow=red,2,300]This unfortunately branded Manji an outlaw with a bounty on his head[/glow]. He was now only known as Killer of 100.
His role through the series[sup]1[/sup] is to serve as the bodyguard of Rin Asano and help her seek vengeance on Kagehisa Anotsu (who killed her father). With Anotsu's death, the series concludes and Manji and Rin part ways without really saying goodbye. Ninety years later, carrying a sword is illegal and Manji puts this life behind him for good in the hopes of trying to find a normal job only to be contacted by the same woman who gave his immortality, with a little girl who needs his protection. It turns out this girl is the granddaughter of Rin and when she gives him a gift from Rin that had been passed down to her, he agrees to protect her.
C. Untuk Memisahkan antara Content2 dan Galery digunakan tag Horizontal Rule[hr]
[center][color=green][size=15pt][b]Galery Of Manji[/b][/size][/color][/center][hr]
D. Content3 Galery berisi gambar-gambar dan menggunakan tags table,rows,coloumns baru serta formating text center[hr]
[center][color=green][size=15pt][b]Galery Of Manji[/b][/size][/color][/center][hr]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
E. Membuat footer menggunakan tags table, rows, coloumns baru serta menggunakan text formating center[table]
[td]Created by [url=][b]Manji[/b][/url] | Reference [url=][/url][/td]
All Code:[center][img width=1000 height=500][/img][/center][br]
[center][size=15pt][b]Who Is Manji?[/b][/size][/center][hr]
[size=15pt]Manji[/size] is [u]a ronin samurai trying to atone for his sins. He has an unorthodox sense of justice about him[/u]. Manji is laid-back and carefree [i]due to his immortal status, and often caught sleeping[/i]. Manji doesn't like being immortal at all. He has a strange sense of true sword play in many ways similar to Itto-Ryu, a fighting-ethic. Unknowing his master was enforcing his brutal rule on the local populace, later maji found out that his master was corrupt then he killed him. [glow=red,2,300]This unfortunately branded Manji an outlaw with a bounty on his head[/glow]. He was now only known as Killer of 100.
His role through the series[sup]1[/sup] is to serve as the bodyguard of Rin Asano and help her seek vengeance on Kagehisa Anotsu (who killed her father). With Anotsu's death, the series concludes and Manji and Rin part ways without really saying goodbye. Ninety years later, carrying a sword is illegal and Manji puts this life behind him for good in the hopes of trying to find a normal job only to be contacted by the same woman who gave his immortality, with a little girl who needs his protection. It turns out this girl is the granddaughter of Rin and when she gives him a gift from Rin that had been passed down to her, he agrees to protect her.
[center][color=green][size=15pt][b]Galery Of Manji[/b][/size][/color][/center][hr]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td][/td][td][/td][td][img width=200 height=200][/img][/td]
[td]Created by [url=][b]Manji[/b][/url] | Reference [url=][/url][/td]