recapAll TYGRR assets have been moved off GLBSE (delisted)
Goat has been given all the information he needs to be able to continue doing TYGRR's business and continue his relationship with his asset holders without GLBSE.
He has a list of codes which shows what code has how much of the asset.
If you had any TYGRR assets you will see the claim code in your portfolio.
Contact Goat with the claim code, and he will known how many of the asset you have, and you will be able to continue your relationship with him.
All that random junk is some sort of "code"?
I guess I will have to have a stock exchange made that knows how to understand it. I hope you will be willing to work with them and explain your "system" ?
My obligation was with GLBSE. What happens if I pay back 50% and then GLBSE relists my assets like nothing happened? Then I'm really screwed as I owe them all again..
What about GLBSE's Nefario's obligation, theyhe acts as the middle man, an asset issuer can't even get any data about who holds the asset. Apparently GLBSENefario gets to fuck the issuers, then fuck the shareholders all while sitting in the middle with no liability, here's your secret code list, everything is all roses now. If GLBSENefario is going to act like this, then theyhe need to get out from the middle of the shareholder-asset issuer relationship. The asset issuer needs to know the usernames, withdraw addresses, number of shares owned of the shareholders. Otherwise GLBSENefario DOES HAVE AN OBLIGATION TO THE SHAREHOLDERS AND THE ISSUERS. One that is greater then, oh well weI quit, here's your secret code list.
You're very much mistaken.
Goat has been give a list of accounts with their balance, all an asset holder needs do is go to goat and give him their code.
We nolonger have any obligation to goat.
Goat, we refuse to do business with you anymore.
You are a liability.
We've provided you with a way to continue your commitment to TYGRR.* holders that doesn't involve us.
I disagree. Your secret code is not a stock exchange. There is no place for me to send the BTC.
Your chickenshit method puts the burden on each and every shareholder to be proactive because the service that you provide has been removed, YOU FAILED IN YOUR OBLIGATION. You should also give the asset issuer contact information for all of the shareholders too, so they can contact them when the exchange just quits in the middle of operations. What a fucking joke.
your beef with Goat is also screwing your users who own any Tyggr's assets without any concern for these people.
Nefario and Goat, please tell us why you won't submit to paid, legally binding mediation through a neutral third party such as
I would be open to something like this however the asset holders need to take part, even a larger part than I take. What people forget is that they do not have to accept the code from Nefario. They should just tell Nefario it is not valid and ask for something else or perhaps even a refund. Nefario as the broker sold an asset. He then converted it into a unusable code. Nefario is the one here who took action, not the asset holders or myself.
This is kind of creepy.
I agree. Don't get me wrong, this move is long overdue. I'm worried about the precedent it sets though.
What precedent?
What precedent? 1. How about it is okay to delist assets as you please ... leads to 2. Ignore the board and shut down GLBSE without notice ... talk about foreshadowing.
GLBSE == gameover
you prophet, no?
I really think there should be some kind of contract between GLBSE and the asset issuers that is more than a TOS that can be changed at anytime.
but but but
Goat, we refuse to do business with you anymore.
You are a liability.
We've provided you with a way to continue your commitment to TYGRR.* holders that doesn't involve us.
Good luck in your future endeavours.
Goat runs a "mining company" that doesn't mine, bonds that he can't back with BTC income, & an arbitrage company that as far as I can tell doesn't actually trade... He deserved to be delisted. I just worry about the way it happened and how it will effect shareholders.
okay so burn him BUT announce delisting pending ... Goat stocks will be dumped on the market but still 'trade-able' ... plus Goat could have time to state buy back options or other plans for his stock holders. In fact ...
But thats not fair to me and other asset holders! We agree,it's not fair to holders of this asset, to other issers [sic], asset holders and GLBSE itself. Delisting is a last measure when trying to deal with problematic asset issuers who are actively trying to damage GLBSE. We have a responsibility to all asset issuers and asset holders on GLBSE, if any one person is doing something that puts everyone else at risk, including GLBSE operators then they have to leave. This is a market we all share, for it to work we must all play nice.
Nefario, I think we're entitled to an explanation of why we weren't given any prior notice. I think you know there is a problem with your action, gathering from the fact that you only respond to trolls here and prefer to answer us users through a notice on GLBSE.
why was my balance/info given away to goat ? I hold some shares in tygrr , now i am being forced to contact goat to get my dividends (i dont talk to goat)
maybe give goat 3 months to close and delist his assets
Did the shareholders not buy GLBSE 24/7 trade-able shares, as opposed to private equity.
As they say the writing was now on the wall ...
I am done with GLBSE.
Am currently selling all shares, will be moving my BTC out, and not trading there ever again.
This is unprofessional and ridiculous.
Wow. Thanks to Nefario's behavior, I'm leaving GLBSE. Thanks to MPOE-PR's behavior, I'm never touching MPEX. And cryptostocks lists nothing worth investing in.