Do your own due diligence before entering into ANY sort of obligation, not just financial contracts. Acting in this accord is not only beneficial to us as a Bitcoin community, it is beneficial to yourself as a human being, businessperson, or whatever. Be aware, be constantly vigilant!
This can't be repeated often enough. "Scam" gets thrown around here almost as often as "troll" but I think that because there's a limited range of Bitcoin services available and people are desperate for more - and want to be in on the ground floor - people overlook the fact that a very high percentage of these new ventures are going to fail. It takes a lot more than just a good idea for a business to succeed and a lot of good ideas end up going nowhere. That's a reality in the real world and people starting Bitcoin ventures aren't immune to all the various factors which can cause a business to fail.
Bruce failed to do any due diligence regarding the Swiss Chalet hoax. He wanted to be the person who brought it off so much that he overlooked some pretty obvious red flags. He possibly twisted the facts a little bit too (the goon who perpetrated the hoax claims that Bruce phoned him whereas Bruce claims that it was the other way around). A small detail, but one which I think indicates that Bruce still wants to be seen as a "somebody" within the Bitcoin community - the bigshot people will approach with big ideas.
I think that the "I want to believe" mentality does get in the way of people's commonsense sometimes and that people who ask legitimate questions about new ventures are too often and too easily dismissed as trolls spreading FUD - yet when those ventures fail, those who dismissed those concerns are quick to cry scam.
People need to keep in mind that any Bitcoin venture could fail literally overnight regardless of the intentions of its founders and limit their financial exposure to what they can genuinely afford to lose.