404's out.
10.0 not synching anymore.
Sorry I accidentally broke the link during an update. Will try to do better testing going forward.
Still not working. Same. 404's out.
10.0 still shows "No Block Source Available".
This is getting scary.
I don't know what "Bluechist" is all about, but what is wrong with my build?
Your build was working fine, until it wasn't a week ago. "No Blocksource Available". Also, your build isn't available to redownload anywhere.
There are no Mac Wallets available that "just work".
But side chains and sandboxes and all sorts of other stuff vying for attention seems to be happening. But no Mac wallet that just works. Thus, two tons and change sitting on Cryptsy for sale at .012.
The basics. If the basics are not working, and the fancy pants stuff is the discussion du jour, seriously guys.