As for the wider question of utility in crypto, well yes it is certainly an interesting question. For the average person I don't think it does bring much - complicated and difficult to use, when compared to the standard bank account or credit card they are used to.
The core technology is complicated in its intricacies, yes. But it need not concern the user very much for the most part. Just like they don't need to know where cash comes from, how it is created, how it got transferred from one account to another and what gives it value - people just accept that out of habbit. Crypto also just works, you don't have to understand how the blockchain works to use BTC or UNO.
A bank account is only easy because people already have one. If someone doesn't or wants a new one, opening that is far more complicated and time consuming than obtaining a crypto wallet for sure:
- 1. They need to fill out a form with all contact details.
- 2. They need to additionally confirm their identity through whatever channel local laws deem acceptable.
- 3. Where I live that requires going to a location, showing them papers, signing some documents and then waiting 2-3 days until veryification is complete.
edit: and the worst part, depending on your background check you might even get denied if you have a bad credit history or work in the wrong business, preventing you from even taking part in the system.How is that easier or more comfortable than cryptocoins:
- 1. They can go to any coin's website or an appstore) download the wallet and are ready to go, that's steps 1-3 of fiat combined in a 5 minute task.
Then I have an empty account - now what? That's the fiat advantage - fill it with cash or just have your income paid to the account, easy.
The "In" and "Out" of crypto are the problem. Once people are "In" the crypto system it is very easy to move funds around, use or exchange coins etc. - but the steps of obtaining coins and spending coins are just not competitive with fiat yet. I imagine if more people had the option to get paid in Crypto for their jobs, adoption would skyrocket in a very short time.
The complete system to use fiat money is in place and has been refined and enhanced for decades (credit cards, bank transfers, online payments), or even centuries (paper money and coins). We've been living with this system and been trained to use it our whole lives. Digital currencies cannot hope to reach that level of sophistication, breadth of services, acceptance and adoption in only a few years. If you take that into consideration its amazing how far we have come in such a short time!
Don't be impatient, the internet has completely transformed how we communicate, how we shop, how we meet new people, how we consume media and news - but it took decades. When I was surfing the internet 20 years ago and told people about it, they looked at me in a funny way. Now almost everybody uses it every hour of every day. Fiat money will still be around in 20 years, but I'm willing to bet cryptocurrencie will play a big role too by that time...