Your opinions, please, guys. I can write (better-researched) articles like this on a regular basis. Would that be helpful?
I liked that article! It was nice. Lots of information, not much opinion. That is how they should be, imo. Good work man! I am a nerd for researching things of interest to me, so articles that are informative and explain a lot are always gonna be favorable. The only thing about the article was "the china thing", i think that might confuse a lot of people if they weren't around when china was impacting the price so much. Or so the claims were, never looked at the data, didn't care much in regards to WHO was causing the spike. A little more info on that woulda been nice. "the china thing, for those who don't know.. blah blah blah" Other than that little weeny gripe i think it is a fine article! At the same time though, it appears to be written for people who have read things you have wrote in the past, so the explanation of the china situation is most likely not needed, as you have most likely talked about that.
Cryptsy has USD capability today, so you can ask them for a UNO/USD pairing through a support request.
If you want it today, you could add votes for Uno at C-cex or Bleutrade. Both trade in USD, but as far as I know they don't allow deposits for Usd.
My bet is that Altmarket will come through for Uno.
If Btc does tank badly, then it's going to be an exciting time to acquire Uno with Btc, at a low cost vs dollar. The dollar market will come, just don't miss the larger opportunity that may be upon us.
I can see there being more work having a coin/usd pairing than just a coin/coin pairing. The issue i have with Altmarket is that Uno is the star coin in my eyes. I am 99% sure that isn't the case for those developing the market though. The site will need to do what it has to do to generate traffic and offer some type of services others can't get else where. I sincerely hope though that it is at the forefront of the queue of things to get done