Steady buying, like Rojan's is what props up the stockmarkets. People working like robots for these large corporations that strongly encourage them to buy into their retirement plans.
Except with UNO, it's real value that we actually support and believe in.
Something to think about....
A new, stabilizing sector for UNO?
To me, UNO is desirable because Blazr2 has hit on a nearly perfect model for creating a store-of-value coin.
Rapid creation of the first 200k coins thru POW over a year is near perfect for a store of value coin. It's much more fair than the new "1 week POW" coins where big stakes can be accumulated before anyone has any idea what's going on.
And NO premine, while arguably unfair to Blazr2, sets Un apart from so many other coins that are subject to pre-mine pump & dumps. Investing in a coin with a 2%-10% premine, where that coin will take 6, 10, 30 years to mine out is a crazy investment in the long term fraught with risk. Yes, I understand the advantages of a premine (and sometimes I wish Un had one to play with), but again -- this is one way in which Un is different from other coins. Premines make coins inherently risky in the earliest days and effectively kill a coin (and your investment) if the dev team disappears or dumps the pre-mine. In the Un experiment there is no Pre-mine. The result is that Un is perceived to be a fairer coin.
A fair-start is not a "feature,"; you can't just program that in later. If a coin doesn't have the fair start at the beginning, it will never be a fair start coin.
So what about all these coins that have cool features like privacy, or messaging, or distributed exchanges, or phone calling, or whatever, built right into the wallet?
Yes they're cool, but they are just features... a feature can be stapled on to virtually any coin after the fact. Cool features still won't make any coin a better store of value than UNO.
Crypto is fun and often innovative. There will continue to be lots of really interesting, worthy crypto experiments; we see a dozen launch every day now. The best cryptocurrencies from the past will be carried forward into the future, but the future is crowded and not all coins will be there. I am confident UNO will be there, because it has what so many other coins lack and is particularly suited to thrive as a store of value. UNO is the closest equivalent to gold that exists in the crypto world, imo.