3HTGfJGJiaKYWRtVLH67EGHWBa9EGrPLph is the address, when we reach 0.1 BTC i will put up a supernode.
What benefit would this bring the UNO community?
A supernode is a type of node that has a high bandwith low latency connection, on a professional server of good specification. Pools which add the node will relay blocks quickly around the network, and reduce orphan risk, and it gives a solid reliable peer for people to download the blockchain quickly and simply relay transactions and increase decentralization. If it were a seed node, it also serves as one of the nodes the client will first connect to, often hard-coded in place.
If not a seed node, it will just be a relay. It will be given a hostname for easy remembering. Once we reach 0.1 BTC, we will launch the node!
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/node-hosting-service-supernodes-1757389 - Official node hosting service topic
I also have 2 nodes. I don't know, if i can call them "supernodes", the are on 8 core xeon servers with 2x 1gbit connection in central europe. And i am doing it for free.