@ Benefactor: Abundance-of-Caution 100 Uno received. I beg your pardon. I haven't had my wallet open.
TT List update: unless there is dissent, you have 3.1 stars (Wa ha ha )
http://indiamikezulu.com.au/454/list-of-trusted-tradersIt's so pleasing to have you asking questions. Failure awaits an uncriticised model:
here's the arithmetic, B.:
an asset is created with a permanently fixed number of units. Now, if we get 50 TTs with 2 DVC each Verified and trading, this Project will be a booming success.
The Nxt asset 'DVC' has 500 units. Thus, 100 as 'basic stock.' I suggest 20 as 'Specials.' And 380 to either hold in the vault or destroy. Destroying coin shouldn't be difficult. ('Proof of Burn.')
As with any coin, the coins are visible in their wallets. (And someone other than Ian or I should be the Invigilator.)
The great unsoundness of POS coins is that most have huge numbers of coins, and 'fuzzy' identifications in the first place. (For example, B., it's just too easy for the dev to masquerade as a couple of IPO-ers; or for a number of IPO-ers to in fact be the same player.)
Ian and I have theorised this coin v. carefully:
the total number of coins is tiny. The 'pre-existing' community is vigilant from Day One. The 'Bursar's Wallet' will be the
only wallet to hold un-circulated coins.
What would back the Specials? Don't know -- but indeed, as per the principle in play here, they would need to be adequately and verifiably backed.
Decision-making: I agree with the '60%-two weeks' formula. Indeed, I'd like to see pretty much continuous discussion about how DVC will serve to develop and strengthen this community (Global Mall Unobtanium)
Finally, I apologise if the shift to Phase Two seemed abrupt. It was -- but the processes following the decision to create the coin have been slow and patient. (Eg: I suggest that Sabretooth be considered as 'Provisional' for a little while simply because he may pass rapidly from arrival to first trade to Verification.)
Gotta get B.N.'s Nxt wallet running, which will give us six TTs ready to go, and the Bursar standing by. And I expect that you will pop up with wallet address and public key shortly.
We are, at this point, ready to issue DVC.m