Bannon was stripped of his security clearances many, many weeks ago. Other Trump advisers have been held up longer than usual. Trump and team are getting "slow-rolled". There is rumor that Trump is waking up to the Jared and Ivanka influence..
So this removal of Bannon is really a release back into the wild where he at least has access to "open-source" collected intel which has a more robust and holistic perspective 90% of the time.. just sayin..
Today we are all Bannon! Hopefully he uses this opportunity wisely..
As SNL says, "When the Jews are away, the Goy will play." Those goy-play days are pretty much gone with the departure of Bannon I'll bet, and I suspect that Trump's minders will have him back to the 'Greater Israel' project without much delay. No more time/blood/treasure wasted on that annoying N. Korea issue when there is so much yet to do on the 'clean break'. I'd not be surprised to see the 50,000 American troops earmarked for the Afghanistan surge (trial balloon) that Bannon was supposedly resisting ending up getting caught up in the 'Kurdistan' project.
As HuffPo say, "Goy, Bye." I say welcome back to Goy-ville Mr. Bannon. I just hope you are for real, hope they haven't beaten you, and hope it's not to late. We'll see. We've got plenty of problems to worry about here in the good old USA and don't need a blood sucking parasitic disease from half way around the globe. Capitalizing on the Trump-induced implosion of the mainstream media is probably the best opening in 50 years to shake the Zionist infection or at least put it into remission.