Two comments,
1) If you alter your signature in this campaign, say you change it and then change it back in short time, you'll reset your payment date. I just experienced this issue. I had to go 3 days without being paid for posts.
2) There's a lot of chatter and frustration about people in signature campaigns posting meaningless, not constructive, or bullshit posts. The perception is that those of us involved in signature campaigns do not care about the quality of our posts but are only interested in reaching our numbers. In some cases this is true, in most cases it is not. If the frustration grows we all risk losing the opportunity get paid for our posts. So...don't do it! Don't risk this great thing we are a part of!
Keep your posts constructive!
Help the community!
If you're seen as a troll or posting bullshit/meaningless comments you should receive threats to your pay or participation. Don't ruin it for the rest of us!
1) you can only change signature between bitmixer's signatures not anything else, if you change it to something else for instance another signature campaigns you will go without payment
2) it was always like this and always will be like this, people will abuse every system no matter what it is. and they always will be punished for it (getting banned,....)