But exposure doesn't necessarily translate into income for them. They've already previously stated it's not massively effective. Most people here don't need to mix their coins so it's an entirely different business compared to gambling sites.
The exposure may not bring them customers immediately, but the effect could be in a longer term. Those reading the sig ad may not need to mix their coins now, but when they need to, they will likely pick a mixer they knew.
True and that's why some exposure/forum presence is good but the current amount they have likely isn't beneficial to them and is a waste of money. They'd be better off with a smaller campaign and fewer members IMO.
Well, I don´t have access to their books, nor am I privy to their marketing plans and objectives so i couldn´t say.
But I don´t consider two grand something any gigantic sum. Since their business is mixing bitcoins I´m sure they´re swimming in bitcoins. Maybe they need to get rid of some of them