K, evidently I'm an idiot... I think I must've clicked on a link in someone's signature. I'm signed into correct site now. Can you credit the 5mBTC to username LuckyCris now? Thanks!
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.3553536Well evidently you're an idiot
Epic confusion.
A 51% attack is then the attacker blockchain voluntarily ignore every other blocks. An honest 51% holder would accept the blocks found by other people.
Well I'm sure as hell confused now if I weren't before. Are you talking about a blockchain fork, pseudo blockchains and such? No... wait, that can be done if the powerhouse pool wanted to do such a thing... but just to make sure I understand.... you're saying that if the pool with the majority of computing power is honest, it will accept other pools' blocks? Forgive my confusion... I just don't understand what this has to do with the price of rice in China.
And you seem to get confused a lot
But after taking everything into consideration, I would say you are has sane as the next person on here...
You're warm! Hopefully since you discovered this you'll be able to finish before someone else takes it.
You actually took BOTH of these out of context, but I'm glad you dug up the second part.
Here's your chance to get .03BTC and redeem yourself.
A bonus inquiry is also part of this thread. But unfortunately you're thought process is somewhat skewed for this task and you over looked it. So now you and everyone else knows where to find 1 out of the 5 bonus items. Get all of them - you'll be awarded .05!
Ok, back to where you can find free coins -
First, I'm not confused. I hope you know that I'm not
really an idiot, nor do I think of myself as such.
I was being facetious in both of these posts. Sorry it went over your head. The first post has some significance (overall). Your
takeaway from that post should've been that I must be pretty damn confident in my intelligence level to call myself an idiot on a public forum. If* you change your perspective from me being an idiot, to actually having a broad knowledge base, you can succeed here.
Clarification for everyone since you messed this up:
Epic confusion.
A 51% attack is then the attacker blockchain voluntarily ignore every other blocks. An honest 51% holder would accept the blocks found by other people."
ME:"Well I'm sure as hell confused now if I weren't before. Are you talking about a blockchain fork, pseudo blockchains and such? No... wait, that can be done if the powerhouse pool wanted to do such a thing... but just to make sure I understand.... you're saying that if the pool with the majority of computing power is honest, it will accept other pools' blocks? Forgive my confusion... I just don't understand what this has to do with the price of rice in China."
Again, totally NOT confused. Perhaps you'll be somewhat impressed. To clarify what occurred in that part of the thread - that person attempted to insult my intelligence. The end result was the other way around - I made him look confused, because he
was. Not me. Do outside research if you must, to get an understanding of
pseduo blockchains, and
51% attacks. You'll miss it if you don't understand these concepts.
Everything I stated in that post was
deliberate. When you read the thread, you'll see how my response to him is actually offensive (yet playful). This isn't even the post that I actually called him out on; when you read that part, you'll probably laugh.
Good luck!