I dont understand all technical details but how it is possible that FBI bureau has located and seized a collection of 144,000 bitcoins???
I thought that BTC cannot be seized or taken away by officials or police. especially when someone encrypt the wallet.
How they could eaily seized firstly btc of users of silkroad and now at second also seized ulbrichts money?
and at second - I would say that news like this should sent price of bitcoin down, especially when we know "that from the 1,814,400 BTC awarded, 1,148,800 BTC has never been spent (63%). As of October 2012.
we suppose (but have not checked it yet) that these are exactly the segments that belong to the mystery entity," https://bitslog.wordpress.com/2013/04/17/the-well-deserved-fortune-of-satoshi-nakamoto/
The Verge reported earlier this year that Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin network’s mysterious founder, has an address with over one million bitcoins.
I thought that people would be scared of all that bad news and bitcoin price would fall down (so that I could afford to buy some
What's been assumed is that either (1) DPR gave authorities access to those bitcoins, or (2) he failed to properly secure them by either not encrypting the private keys at all or by using weak passwords.