Second point, GLBSE is gone and so are all my companies. So this thread is completely and utterly meaningless.
So you think you can just keep all your clients and investors coins?
What coins are you referring to? Client's coins; yes, I will definately be keeping my client's coins that they paid, and completing my obligation to them. The only remaining client I am aware of is ABM, who prepaid for a year on insurance for one FPGA single. So yes, I will be keeping PsychoticBoy's coins, why on earth would I give them back?
Investor's coins --> See this is why you are a fucktard. First, I *just* said I will be paying back the loans I took out. So you can't read. Second point, I *just* said that everything we had was invested on GLBSE, and I will be distributing claim codes as I get them. So what's your problem? Are you mentally retarded?
AFAIR, CPA "insurance" contracts had no clause that let you off the hook if GLBSE stopped trading. Bit it did have a clause that you would reimburse your customers shareholders in the event they defaulted, which is quite likely to happen to more than a few now.
"AFAIR" -- ya but we've *just* seen you have issues remembering posts you're replying to let alone ones made 2 or 3 up from that. So your AFAIR isn't worth shit. And you clearly have no clue who our clients or what our contracts were.
I reiterate that Nimda's claim in the OP is frivolous and without merit, and that this thread should be closed by a moderator.