It's quite possible that someone is using Telegram looking for account sellers, and then pointing them to a random user on DefaultTrust or DefaultTrust2, trying to get them to admit that they want to sell the account knowing that the DefaultTrust/DefaultTrust2 would say something publicly about it.
There could be several motivations to this; honeypotting which this would be considered, isn't exactly encouraged around here, and actively frowned upon itself. So, the Telegram user doing it could be trying to do it anonymously, and using some other user to deal with it on Bitcointalk. However, that's not exactly great either; since they're effectively putting the user they're saying to contact on Bitcointalk under risk, as it appears they want to buy the account. I suspect in an attempt to keep themselves anonymous due to the frowned upon honey potting. However, I don't see why they just wouldn't send the user to a newly created account, and then report that publicly. Going through the verification that's required if necessary.
I don't know, that's my best guess since Lucius seems to be rather dumbfounded by why they received the personal message in the first place.
I've been harassed on Telegram by a forum member in the past, and I think you're actually onto something here. I don't doubt Lucius's claim that he didn't contact Amph on Telegram, and I don't doubt that Amph believes that he was contacted by Lucius. There are some real sick drama queens here who just want to stir shit up.
Well if we are theorizing here, why would the telegram user request a screenshot of the PM (especially if he is claiming to be the owner of the account), he wouldn't need a screenshot. Telegram user could have been trying to setup Lucius for not posting about an account seller contacting him.. or maybe thought Lucius would try to buy it and they wanted the screenshot to post themselves in order to smear Lucius? *shrug*
edit: Regardless, it looks like Amph is willing to sell his account?.. to anyone that contacts him on telegram?
That's a really good question. I don't think that the Telegram user who was pretending to be Lucius has any ill intent for Lucius, but he didn't want to expose himself as the Rent-A-Cop, busybody conducting an immoral sting operation to expose accounts being sold. Remember when bob123 did something like that got a shit-ton of grief over it? I think that's what the mystery user was trying to avoid, while still being able to expose the account for sale.
Again, asking for screenshot of the PM that was sent is kind of a red herring. Why would Lucius do that if he already got the PM? He could have taken a screen shot himself, as he already demonstrated here in this thread. It does lend some credibility to Welsh's speculation.
As for account sales, it upsets me less than it used to be in the past. Yeah, someone could buy a high-ranking, trusted account and use it to scam people, but anyone here with a high ranking, trusted account could go rouge at the drop of a hat. Yogg, for example. The best course of action is to be extremely careful when dealing with folks here on the forum, and assume that you could be scammed at any point by anyone.
Also, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that several high-ranking trusted accounts on this forum have been sold at one point or another, and none of us are even aware that it happened.