I might be completely wrong here, but isn't the -O3 just going to build the program in parallel? I guess I thought the wiki wasn't referring to optimizing the build process itself, but to optimizing the built binary for working on some harware or another. Please correct me if I'm wrong!
No, that's -j2 (or some other number) passed to make. -O3 means optimization level 3 (highest performance). When you add it to CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS and then run ./configure, the makefile will contain -O3 for all compiler steps. Thus the compiler will be called with -O3 and thus every compilation unit/source file will be compiled with maximum optimizations.
Thanks, I'll look at the Makefile that I downloaded from github and see what's going on in there with respect to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS.
This is the top of the default Makefile, looks like I'm okay if that's the only optimizations they're referring to in the wiki:
LIBS=-lpcre -lcrypto -lm -lpthread
CFLAGS=-ggdb -O3 -Wall
Yep, it looks like it's being fully optimized. I'm not sure why -ggdb is included; debug builds usually have poorer performance. -ggdb should be removed and the final executable tested.