I see so it works differently from bitcrack then? because the biggest issue with bitcrack was the developer never wanted to add randomness so it would start at a specified sequence and work its way up +1, +1 etc etc
which never made sense to me because users with million + database would all be going through the same numbers so duplicated effort
if Vanitysearch really generates the sequences in calculation randomly that's a big advantage.
Also i didn't understand what you mean by part private key. So in the example of "1qwertyuiop" VanitySearch shows this will take more than 150 years, and the other user wanted to split the effort. But my question is since this is just a partial public key there's no guarantee it will find the exact public key he's looking for in 150 years. It might find a key with last few digits different from what he wants, the only way to get the exact public key is to submit the full public key but then that will change from 150 year estimate to millions.
So it's up to people to tweak the code or use it in a way to not duplicate effort, like the pool at ttd...effort is not duplicated because users are assigned different ranges to work on.
Adding randomness, to start at a specified sequence...what does that mean? The point of randomness should or could mean not knowing what key the program starts with, or each thread generates/starts at random keys. I have modified a version of Bitcrack where each GPU thread generates a random key, and then starts searching sequentially from that key. And you can also tell the program to "regenerate" every x amount of keys searched.
Vanity generates the random base key, but then sequentially (and inverse) searches for xyz prefix. User can use the rekey function to generate a new random base key.