Again, the service isn't ready but at this point right now feedback is crucial as we near launch. We strive to be the definitive service in splitkey generation.
I don't think that sending private keys via email is a good option, especially when we know most people are using one email address and it's most likely gmail.
Just for fun I tested the pricing using various characters and I think price is fair (few bucks only) if I pick up to six characters, but it grows much higher adding just one more character.
I have to be honest and say that I honestly don't know why would I use 1splitkey when I can just generate my own vanity address for free with my computer.
Last year I did something similar, just for Luada's funeral:
We are not targeting guys like you that already know how to do it but if you lack power please feel free to use our service when it's officially announced.
We accept BTC and LN ,(implemented and tested working)
Again, the service isn't ready but at this point right now feedback is crucial as we near launch. We strive to be the definitive service in splitkey generation.
I offer you guys a preview at Literally one line above your quote stated we aren't targeting people who know how to do it,
At this current point in time there is only 3 legitimate services relevant to vanity splitkey generation
LoyceV's service,'s service
and our's.
all the rest are scams or not yet scams as they do not provide split key generation options at all.
We still haven't zero 'ed in on pricing but are getting close.
We do not log base keys (since we use rekey options we don't even see them in cli, we have learned switching up base keys generally yields results quicker, some basekeys simply dont yield results even on low difficulty wallets ),
All we have logged is the following.
Wallet Address
Partial Priv
and email
without a base key, the only flaws we can consider but won't are end users security practices.
even if someone's email where hacked or phished there isnt much that can be done with the partial priv and wallet besides speculating. unless they imported the wallet to some online source and it too was comprimised.
If end user truly kept the partial priv offline and lack of basekey brute forcing is to a moot end.
we tried to create a zero liability system by design.
We should be launching a finished product and announcing it on may 5th-8th'ish as our spamscore will be green light.
In concerns to the pricing our competitors start charging $2 after 3 digits, We don't start charging $2 until around the 7th digit or a certain difficulty, so it may feel expensive but its not. 1ABCDEFGH=$432 -c $130.41, 1ABCDEFGHi -Cannot even submit this order 11111111 with -c enabled $26.91 and an email/refund apologizing that it cant be done. 1ABCDEFGH=$117.50 -c $58.70, 1ABCDEFGHi - $6818.10 and will deliver around 1636~ hours later. (66 days) 11111111 without -c enabled (since it cant be done that way) = $166799.90 we will get it done, it might take a year or 2 but we have ways to accomplish this weather it be on rentals or A100 instances or an agreement with lambda labs
The difference in our services is we've done the research we had a viable product even before came out but saw many issues and challenges to overcome in our beta product.
We wanted everyone to be able to use our product not just the technically inclined.
When my child whom is under 10 years old was able to navigate and utilize the service we knew we where onto something. However my wife ,not so much. One's in 3rd grade the other is perusing a MBA.
One thing we are trying to factor in and solve is a proper workflow for assumptive behavior online.
@dkbit98 I would love it if you tried the service in full fashion and then came back here to report the process, test out 1dkbit, use a burner email we dont care maybe next time you need something like 1Lauda you can know and trust our service and save a lot of time. (not that its time consuming or anything if you know how)
The neat thing about our service its
all automated.
Ona side note are you referencing user
Lauda I was unaware they passed away. Regardless of whom your referring to I send my condolences.