im getting memory error.
when I loaded 6219 prefixes (no error), but when i loaded 82 full address i get "illegal memory access error", when i reduce the full address to 15 addresses, it worked.
I ran GPU memory test and it says no error.
any idea what is the problem?
[Building lookup32 100.0%]
Search: 6219 prefixes (Lookup size 2) [Compressed]
Start Tue Jan 3 21:29:45 2023
Base Key: BD6291C1DE2447068E663194E0DDFBE0C72CD78A8177B51CAE080716AD7496F3
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (34x64 cores) Grid(272x128)
[404.78 Mkey/s][GPU 404.78 Mkey/s][Total 2^32.43][Prob 31.4%][50% in 00:00:11][Found 33] ^C
C:\Users\abc\Desktop>VanitySearch.exe -stop -i addresses.txt -o found.txt -t 0 -gpu
VanitySearch v1.19
Search: 82 addresses (Lookup size 82,[1,1]) [Compressed]
Start Tue Jan 3 21:32:26 2023
Base Key: 5323DAB06CE0DAC8D3C8E5191F1D6DA70ABFC8F6D9188B89C186845E543C2674
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (34x64 cores) Grid(272x128)
GPUEngine: Launch: an illegal memory access was encountered
C:\Users\abc\Desktop>VanitySearch.exe -stop -i addresses.txt -o found.txt -t 0 -gpu
VanitySearch v1.19
Search: 15 addresses (Lookup size 15,[1,1]) [Compressed]
Start Tue Jan 3 21:32:34 2023
Base Key: A6D841113DFC9539F68F8FF5345D7AECC1A62A4A3651FD86ECF6D3696C3A9644
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER (34x64 cores) Grid(272x128)
[1295.00 Mkey/s][GPU 1295.00 Mkey/s][Total 2^32.88][Prob 0.0%][50% in 2.48055e+31y][Found 0]
What version are of VS you running?
What version of cuda?
It's a
probably a Cuda error combined with a poor VM setup.
We need more information.
And initial feedback to previous suggestions would help us troubleshoot.