But maybe someone can explain me/us more about the current cooperations/partnerships? It seems like VEN does a lot of efforts for that, but I didn´t understand it exactly.
They have recently made a deal with the Chinese government for Guian area ..you can read more about it on the Reddit or just Google it .
Thanks a lot!
I was reading about a smart city and VeChain a few days before, but didn´t quite understand that. Cocluding now: This Gui'an area seems to be a huge economic project by the chinese government and VeChain has become the official blockchain partner.
That sounds very promising, but on the other hand there seem to be hundreds of smart city projects in china: http://www.china.org.cn/china/2017-04/21/content_40665652.htm
Good news anyway, because the whole blockchain industry seems to finally arrive in the real world