Do you not understand that even if you change the inflation rate, without constant new funds, the price will still trend downwards?
It's a whole different game requiring 4x funds. I'm sure you understand that.
If you have some patience, think what happens:
- We maintain our good image.
- New INNOVATIVE features go in, for now, at the end of the month, which will certainly attract interest (and will compete with DRK directly).
- We look better than coins like DRK who changed their parameters hardcore to benefit early investors.
Stealth addresses were already priced-in after the spike. And then the unloading happened. And then further dumping happened.
As for DRK, you can't compete directly with it. You'll need 0.02 x 28.800 = 576 BTC per day to just hold price. DRK only needs 0.02 x 2880 = 57.6 BTC.
This inflation parameter does not benefit early investor. It benefits E V E R Y S I N G L E investor and miner who doesn't want their money to be debased.
Currency that is not store of value = I sell it today and buy it tomorrow because it'll be cheaper = no reason to hold it.
If you are a bagholder and you don't understand this simple premise, there is nothing I can do.
PS. Run a community poll just to see interest about this proposal of reducing inflation - not as a decision making poll. I'd open it myself but it's better if the devs do it. I don't see why the devs want to listen to the community only in the issue of GPU mining and not in other things regarding coin direction or economic parameters. You are either with the community or you are not. You can't be with the community selectively only in matters relating to ASIC resistance and GPU mining.
Market manipulation via coin payout parameters is nothing I am interested in.
When VTC gets big, I don't want all the early adopters (like myself) getting hood rich while the new miners get screwed.
Right now I make 10x as much merged mining VTC/PLX/MON/(soon more).
Apparently someone with a 750 Ti can mine 3 times faster than my R9 290. An R9 280 mines just as fast as an R9 290.
DRK is broken. It's been out since JAN/FEB and still does not have a fully functional miner for the public.
Someone could have mining software getting 100x speeds and not releasing it. If cards mined at hash rates based on the GPUs specs, I would have some more respect in that regard.
Not accurate, a single gtx 750 ti gets 2.2mh/s...they'll get 2.8-3mh/s soon.
And that's because of the genius of the cudaminer devs, not because the coin is broken lol
Quite an ignorant remark. Some architectures favor different algorithms, it's not rocket science nor some evil conspiracy.
Now, that some people have x11 FPGA's, it wouldn't surprise me one bit, it's not a very asic resistant algorithm.