As I said, you don't understand money. If you hack in a bank, you don't create counterfeit dollars.
The dollar is the physical form for debt. For "I owe you" a certain amount of.. things.
When the banks will show you a number in the account, that's not dollars, since it's not physical. That's simply "the bank owes you this amount". Completely different thing! That's why for every dollar you deposit, they can lend .. how many? 6, 8? Because it's only a promise, not money.
When you pay with the card, you "transact" the same "I owe you" in the digital form. It's not (physical) dollars.
And when you hack in, you trick the bank to think they owe you back more than you deposited. When you withdraw from ATM, you'll get dollars. And I don't know any ATM the delivers fake dollars.