Transaction Tracking OFF
This is successfully tested!
Some Time ago This is Checked on wallet now this option off on Blockchain.
Some time ago tested than anyone send Balance of VTA =
(example- John wallet hold 100k VTA and John Send 10k VTA to Jerry This is Done! But if you see this transaction on Blockchain Than you see= a wallet address send 100k(this is johns wallet) and 2 address got Transaction one is 10k VTA (jerrys wallet address) and a address got 90k VTA (this is johns new wallet address)
Means John left balance is 90k VTA and jeery Got 10k VTA Transaction Done.
But now this testing of tracking balance OFF mode!
If now john Send 10k VTA than jerry got 10k VTA.
and if check on block chain this transaction than you see a address send 10k VTA(john wallet) and a address got 10k VTA (jerry wallet)
Means no shown full amount of core wallet on block chain.
Nice informing us we will hold on for 2020 thanks