I never said that I have. I'm also not a DT member, being a DT member and saying that I will remove or counter people's feedback in exchange for money could be a valid reason to tag me with red for it.
Let us not go off topic here, you have tried to retaliate against me, how is it that other DT members are countering your valid negative trust on Anduck but they don't give a damn about this one? however if somebody does that, I would then tag them with red for misusing the trust system. I haven't done any sucking and ass kissing or trading(trust farming) to deserve a green trust from anybody here. unless somebody could provide a convincing reason as to why they are trusting me with green default trust, otherwise tagging me with green would be a misuse of trust system.
Now do I need to go and farm some trust from other DT members just to get a counter tag? because I have seen this happening a lot here, somebody is getting a tag and even for a valid and good reason, next day or week he/she has a green trust score like nothing has happened. you call that decentralized system? I call that trust farming like for example Anduck has farmed some green trust without even asking for it. you seem like to have a thick skin man, people would counter your valid negative trust then you'd go act like a noob and would tag them with green, WTF?
What I want from you is that you need to forgive Anduck if he is not bidding on his own auctions since 2 years ago, instead actmyname and DarkStar_ undermined you and Anduck got 2 undeserved green trust. if only you could give a second chance to Anduck, none of this would've happened. you see my point?
I'm asking you please, give him another chance and let us not fight about this unimportant matter, what we need to do is to save this community from real scammers(ICOs) and not to fight with each other all the time.