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Bravo, that may have been your longest post ever. I am honored
You are on the money on most parts but as for the spin doctor part. Its an interesting conjecture on your part, but no Im not trying to influence the market. I cant imagine any situation where a few hundred posts over 5 years would ever have any influence whatsoever. Surprised you would even think I might bother attempting that but its still kinda interesting, I mean WO is the CEO of Bitcoin and all the banker bigwigs are probably reading this to learn about Bitcoin.
Some troll posters seem to have had those kinds of presumptions here, historically. Though in recent months, it does seem to me that trolling here is generally down, unless they have gotten more sophisticated? You guys have been replaced by bots, perhaps? Cheaper for the lizard overlords to attempt to employ bots, and bots are getting smarter, too.
As for the last part. You wanted to know exactly why I believed the bottom was in. To give you an in depth and candid answer would require my fairly complicated trading/investing procedures that are very unorthodox and completely a product of my own sweat and creative energy over 16 years.
You think I would believe that level of bullshit explanation? Get real... you almost deserve a batman/robin slap gif, for that comment.
By the way, I am not asking for any kind of "in depth" answer, just anything quasi-plausible would be better than your bullshit evasiveness about something so goddamned simple.
Its not about which TA metric did I willy nilly pick out of a book and I dont want to tell you which one it is. If I had copied it from someone else Id have no problem sharing it. Im being completely truthful about this, and I cant imagine why this would be hard to believe.
When posters use words like these: "Im being completely truthful about this," it is time to run for the hills.
I would think that many people have developed unique ways to analyze available info without resorting to being a drone like Tone Vays and counting to 9 over and over.
Its not so much its a trade secret and someone will steal it if I share all my methods, its more that I have no benefit to share them and dont feel like having to go through a tedious process of explaining things that would be time consuming for me to communicate effectively just so strangers on the web can critique them or whatever else they want to do. Answering your questions completely would be a major imposition on my time and privacy and doesnt benefit me in any way, so I politely declined.
Oh my!!!! When I thought that the explanation could not get any worse. It did.
If it was a simple run of the mill answer like you gave example to above, I would be happy to share that, but its not so I declined.
I gave the example to show how easy an answer could be, and i don't see how responding could be any more convoluted than that, and your ability to make your answer (response) so stupidly convoluted shows your shit fulledness levels.
Pretty fair and reasonable and very believable if you can imagine that many people out there who are heavily involved in any activity such as trading, investing, making bbq sauce, cooking pies, running a business, etc. for over a decade might have come up with some unique insights, methods, and practices that they prefer not to put on display.
Even more nonsense. If the above is not an example of overly nonsense, I am not sure what would be.
If you cant imagine those kind of people are out there in large numbers, then ok, no problem Im not offended if you dont believe me and think everyone is a drone reading books on bollinger bands and watching Tone Vays count to 9 on youtube
and even more... go figure?
Good chat. Have a wonderful 84th day of the new Baby Bull Market.
Stack Satoshis Saturday is upon us.
Stack satoshis might have been your only decent point in that whole post. Oh my.