I missed the name calling on both sides. Glad we agree on the boilerplate part. As far as labeling our probabilities of future outcomes as guesses, I stand by that.
Maybe now, we are meandering into the extent to which guesses are involved in this whole matter, or how to categorize what is a guess?
In the past few hours, I have been attempting to reflect a bit on what point you have been attempting to make with your seeming ongoing desire and persistence to label what is going on as a "bull market" or a "baby bull market," and your earlier "baby bull market" kind of gives away what you are attempting to achieve.
Largely you are trying to argue that you are pretty convinced that for whatever reason you believe that the bottom is in, and this price downtrend is reversed. You are trying to emphasize your point by labelling the matter as a baby bull market. Some of the rest of the matters that you are throwing in are not as central to those kinds of main points that you are trying to make with your labelling our current status as a "bull market" or "baby bull market." And, you are largely both attempting to be predictive with your implication that the "bottom is in", and you may end up being right, but you also seem to be attempting to provide a kind of spin doctor reality to the matter by suggesting that if we all begin to believe that the bottom is in then we will act in such a way that causes the description to fulfill the prescription.
I have called you a troll, and other similar names a few times, because I had been kind of questioning some of your exaggeration intentions; however, I may be developing a little more sympathy for your whole framing of the matter if I am correct about your intention to merely cause more bullish thinking that might assist to make what you want to be reality come true.
I don't have any problem with having bullish intentions, because as you likely pointed out several times, I am a bitcoin bull myself, and my investment practices and behaviors in bitcoin attempt to reflect my bitcoin bullish sentiments and beliefs. Nonetheless, I question how much utility comes from what seems to me to be exaggerations that are likely NOT going to change the market anyhow, and could actually result in a lot of blowback when your seeming exaggerations end up NOT even coming close to coming true.
So, for me, it may be more of a personal tone matter in which I believe in having low expectations in order that it is way more likely that my expectations are going to be reached and exceeded - because I have found that if I create or follow higher expectations or exaggeration, then there is a real high likelihood that its going to end in a lot of disappointment when those exaggerations and high expectations are not reached.
You are getting into a different field here, and I doubt that we need to go down the "scientific method" road in order to understand what people do. We are not scientists, but we still are easily capable of assigning various probabilities to future events and outcomes. Some events and outcomes are highly probable and some are not, and each person is going to assign varying probabilities to various outcomes and the compounding of calculations which might involve pure guessing in some cases is likely going cause a whole hell of a lot of different views about the future, even if there is agreement on some aspects. For example, both of us might assign a real high probability that the sun is going to come up tomorrow even if we have differing views about the dynamics that cause that. Predicting human behavior and markets (that involve a lot of human behavior) are way more complicated, and we do not necessarily need scientific methods to attempt to employ various kinds of probability theory, even though sometimes people with scientific minds and thinking are going to have more specialized approaches, but there are a whole hell of a lot of really smart people and scientists who don't know what they fuck they are talking about in regards to bitcoin matters (even if they might have opinions about it).. hahahahahaha
hahahahaha good.... however, just the fact that you bring that up seems to show that you are assigning way more randomness to opinions than they likely deserve, including the opinions of yours truly.
Fair enough about this point.
There is no need to lump all aspects of knowledge into one category. Like I attempted to describe above, there are certain categories of information that are more certain than others and even more undisputed. Like we are going to agree about what is going to happen, so for example, if we talk about bitcoin's halvening, we can agree to a lot of aspects about it, and if we talk about how many BTCs are produced per 10 minutes and about how miners might increase or decrease their hashing power based on BTC price. However, the more factors that we attempt to account, the harder it comes to both assign probabilities to the behavior or what kind of an impact those factors are going to have on the BTC price and even the extent to which one factor or another matters or how other people might view the event, including how much weight to give to BTC price momentum versus news versus fundamentals versus public perceptions or regulations.
What I am trying to say is that we are going to weigh various factors differently, and even come to differing weighing of their impact on bitcoin and there will also be some guessing involved too. Some people have access to more information, and do not have to guess as much as others about certain aspects, but still it is quite likely that no one really knows while at the same time no one is completely guessing about everything either. By the way, some people seem to make some of their guesses/predictions based on a combination of numerology and conspiracy theories about bitcoin manipulation, and sometimes they might end up being correct, too.
There are word choices and there can also be questions about what factors are being considered and how much weight is given to factors and how much pure guessing might be going on.
That above is a real bullshit and seemingly disingenuous troll answer. I had made questions that are so easy peasy that almost any genuine poster should have been able to at least make some kind of stab at disclosing which BTC price points or what factors caused them to arrive at their conclusion about when the bull market or "baby bull market" in this case and your terms was triggered and/or entered into.
The fact that you don't even make any kind of reasonable attempt shows that you are either acting disingenuously (as a kind of troll), that you are a dumbass (I don't think that is the case, by the way) or that you are purely making shit up (guessing) just for the mere sake of it.
In other words, based on your already demonstration of writing and analyzing abilities (including your demonstration of your detailed trolling efforts aimed largely at roach and gembitz), it should be quite easy for you to write out something like this:
>>>>>>>>Between December 7 and December 15, I saw that the bears had put in a lot of effort to attempt to bring the BTC price down, and the best that they got on December 15 was $3,122. Subsequently, by December 21 and December 25, the BTC price rebounded to $4,100 and $4,200 respectively. At no later point have the bears been able to bring the BTC price down below $3,300.....blah blah blah<<<<<<
You should have easily been able to come up with some kind of plausible and seemingly genuine bullshit ideas to show that you are at least attempting to make an effort in the right direction, but instead you play the "trade secrets" phoney baloney card... Your handler told you to say something like that? hahahahahaha
Oh my!!!!! I have heard this kind of nonsense before when I troll attempts to avoid answering by playing both the expertise card and the trade secrets card.
Not believe-able. You gotta try harder.. or actually try less hard. Being genuine does not take a lot of effort, but when you are not genuine, your bullshit will tend to seep through, which likely shows that my time is being wasted attempting to explain some of these basic concepts to a disingenuous poster..
Not convincing... after reading your previous few sentences.