OK, so doesn't your government know about how much silver or gold you own? Are you a miner and extract your own gold or silver by digging within your room?
You act like I'm trying to cheat taxes or something. In reality, the govt overspends insanely out of control and foreign countries are also now refusing to buy the debt. What does that mean? It means the govt is coming for every single cent you have that isn't nailed down. Taxes were 94% in the 1940's at one point. Yes, 94 fucking percent.
In any type of designed to centralize digital system that the govt can insert themselves into and control the giant mining buildings and everything else, instead of asking for taxes, the govt will eventually just step in and start seizing your money. They can do it a million different ways in a digital bullshit system. Maybe they'll force you to use their own altered client where only miners inside the country process transactions and then they take a giant haircut off each one.
You're using the govt's own infrastructure to use this garbage. There is no escaping them in a digital system. It costs barely anything to run a police state in cyberspace, while it's completely cost prohibitive to run an ironclad police state in the physical world. Physical metals are a safeguard against intrusion by govt, while every digital system is always going to be at their mercy. You can easily effectively ban and stop digital shitcoins from functioning and really existing at all, but no 'ban' can actually stop physical metals from existing.