I'm telling them to shut the fuck up and seek out incremental improvements in their own life-style.
You are telling those less fortunate than yourself that you are tired of hearing about their problems, that they should be silent and submissive in the face of oppression. Do so at your peril.Personally, I have found that nothing quite gets the attention of those in power like the smell of burning Mercedes upholstery.
So beware of advising people to take concrete actions to improve their conditions rather than attempting it through dialog.
It has perhaps been too long since certain folks were reminded that the guillotine remains an option.
Illiteracy is far too rampant for 2019.
"Spending time on complaining that could have been spent on finding incremental solutions is retarded/unproductive."
Last paraphrasing I'll do on this. Good luck with your blindfold if you still (apparently choose to not) get it though.
Spoilers: Advocating is not complaining. And slaves can't advocate for themselves if they're captive, so even attempting to make that argument proves that you didn't understand mine in the first place and were simply looking to make unpolitical life advice political. @HM
I don't think Jojo is at all illiterate, nor do I see your 'life advice' as
unpolitical. How can being so dismissive of other views by calling them illiterate, or dismissing advocacy on behalf of those experiencing modern slavery, as Hairy I recall was (which it is reasonable to say with some certainty does exist) come from anything but a dogmatic, if not patently political stance?
I am not dismissive of others' views whatsoever. In this case people were constantly misrepresenting my words either through stupidity, laziness, or by deliberation.
You can try to show me at what point my quote becomes political, however, you will fail to do so without adding extra information that wasn't present in my words. Politics have nothing to do with this statement whatsoever, yet some people here are so caught up in political bullshit that they try to make everything so, and then argue from that position.
I treat people with the respect they deserve, and when they make my unpolitical statements political or make up arguments on my behalf and then try to write me off as evil I will react accordingly. Not because I care about their opinion, but because people who are too emotional or even stupid to realize their hypocrisy by themselves need to be shut down with their own weapons. Otherwise they clearly don't get it (as proven by the lengthy and multiple posts that I've made elaborating on their fallacies).
I don't even particularly care if the perpetrators in this case understand what the fuck they're doing. But some of the, possibly lurking, readers might find something they've missed previously. Such as dumb fucks making up arguments deliberately or for any other reasons on behalf of others and then either genuinely believing that they're doing something good, or acting as if they were. This is without a doubt the worst human quality plaguing society. Because real evil is often obvious when you see it, and is much easier to fight against than idiots who act nice and in reality just fuck everyone, including themselves, over.
Some of the issues described here (manipulation, omission, laziness, dishonesty) are used in Politics to manipulate, but they're fundamentally human errors and not political issues. If you see Politics in this that's on you, not on the content of my post.
At the end of the day people, made an unpolitical post political by making up random horseshit scenarios that didn't even fit my statement in any shape or form beyond sharing a word or two. But by that line of reasoning you're all Hitler and Jews.
Not sure why it takes a roman to point out what should be obvious: Don't twist people's words if you're going to bother engaging in a conversation (of course unless you have some weird ulterior motives, then good luck with that).
I believe that BTCMILLIONAIRE's characterization of illiteracy has to do with the fact that all the counterpoints to what BTCMILLIONAIRE has been writing have nothing whatsoever to do with what BTCMILLIONAIRE has actually been writing. The fact that the responses are so far afield from BTCMILLIONAIRE's written points displays an inability of the counterpointers' to actually comprehend what BTCMILLIONAIRE has written.
+1 WO